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interchangable parts? "Click" to Login or Register 
Can parts from all Elgin 16s model 7's be interchanged, even though they are different grades?

Posts: 56 | Location: San Antonio, Texas in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2013
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
IF you have parts movements of about the same period and jewel Count, as a rule you CAN often successfully interchange parts that are clearly the same.

This applies especially to the Elgin 3/4 Plate 7th model because it was effectively produced for 25 years, being distinguished as both Hunter and open face layouts which are NOT generally interchangeable.

Through this time small changes were effected for efficiency and material availability. Also it is possible that the wheel ratios were meddled with at some time making some parts quite unique to a certain period.

Finally, as these were made in 7-23 jewel movements, there are considerable differences in actual pivot and jewel sizing even during the same period of manufacture.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Picture of Dave Turner
Here's a great site for Elgin that addresses this question:

Dave Turner
Posts: 1979 | Location: Wilson, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: November 15, 2011
Thanks for the info- Idid purchase a bunch of movements that were sold as scrap/parts and some were the same model of Elgins, unfortunately the have different amount of jewels.

Posts: 56 | Location: San Antonio, Texas in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2013
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