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Picture of Sheila Gilbert
This is supposed to be an Elgin in a case that is shaped like a ball. Wondered if others thought it was real. (Old) Low bid, so I went for it.
Tell me what you think!


Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert


Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Bruce Byrd
If you like it then you got a really good deal Smile I think it is pretty cool (I like oddball stuff). Have you "cracked" it open to see what is inside?

Bruce Byrd
Posts: 888 | Location: San Diego, California USA | Registered: December 27, 2002
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
That's exactly why I got it, ODDBALL!
(literly) Big Grin
Yep, I did like it, for the few seconds I had to look at it!
I just won it, right before I posted it. I didn't even read anything about it before I bid, except that it said Old Victorian Ball watch. When I went back to read the discription, that was about all it said in the discription too. Big Grin

Sometimes ya just gotta do, what ya gotta do!

I like the "Fun Ones" hope it works.

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
Cool watch Sheila. Shugart lists a few examples of ball-shaped watches under unusual ladies watches on pp. 614-615 (2004 or 2005 edition).

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
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