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Picture of Bulent Ogel
January 2011 means for me 3 full years with pocket watches. For me this is the most difficult hobby. Even learning to fly with helicopter was easier. Now I can repair a pocket watch in a very short time but except the balance system.
I have a question about staffs very important for me. What is the difference between 861NS10, 861NS11 and 861NS12. The only difference must be the diameter of the pivot. When I am measuring with a microscope with special software I found different dimension. So I am confused.

What you think about the dimensions of the attached list for Elgin 16S staffs.

Thank you.
Bulent Ogel

Posts: 126 | Location: Istanbul in Turkey | Registered: December 14, 2008
Picture of Bulent Ogel
List attached.

Posts: 126 | Location: Istanbul in Turkey | Registered: December 14, 2008
IHC Member 376
Picture of Samie L. Smith
Bulent there is a couple different 861 staffs that pretty much cover the 16 size elgins.

The frist was the old style 861 which is .204 long single roller used on the very frist 16 size elgins.

The one most used is the 861 that,s .210 long used for both single and double roller movement..The double roller elgins with a 861 staff used a one piece roller table...

These 2 will cover most all of the 16 size elgins that use the 861 staff.

Best way too find the one you need is measure the dia,s on the old staff .pivot size dia,s where the roller table and hairspring fit ..Something you will find out is that a lot of the swiss after market staffs will not have the correct dia,s ,,it,s better too find a original ekgin staff ..The good news the 861 staff is very easy too find and in about aNY PIVIoT SIZE YOU NEED.
Posts: 3208 | Location: Monticello, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: June 24, 2004
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