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How many types of hamilton dials? "Click" to Login or Register 
New collector for hamilton pocket watch.I saw kinds of hamilton pocket watch dials, some have color. so any one can tell me how many types of hamilton dials have been used ? thanks of all.
Posts: 53 | Location: Chong Qing in China | Registered: August 27, 2011
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Hello Jun,

By using the site "Find-or-Search" feature, I typed in the words "Hamilton Dials" and found 46 pages for those specific words.

Upon scrolling down further, I came across an excellent topic started by Richard Romero showing images of some Hamilton dials.

This link may help you start on this quest for an answer to how many dials Hamilton produced.

Click here: Hamilton 992, 992E, and 992B Case & Dial Identification. (1924-1971)

Also you may want to look further for additional topics in our Hamilton and 992B Research Forum

Posts: 5376 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
i get it ,thanks
Posts: 53 | Location: Chong Qing in China | Registered: August 27, 2011
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