I was curious if anyone had any info on this watchmaker Edward Massey. I found a watch of his and trying get info on it since I am not familiar with him. I have attached an article I found on him but any links or additional info would be appreciated. I also attached a photo of the movement of the watch I have. Thanks Rob
The MASSEY LEVER, an interesting and reasonably scare variant on the standard table-lever. Edward Massey born in 1772, and settled in London at 28 King Street, Clerkenwell. He invented the Massey lever escapement and this was patented on November 6th 1814. He went on to develop and improve his escapement with the Massey No 1, 2, 3, and 5. The Massey lever was preferred to the Rack lever at this time and used extensively by the better quality Liverpool watch-makers. Generally found with hall-marks in the period 1820-1845. There are also subtle variations, some with limited draw and also those with different profiles to the pallet shape. See for examples by the bookes by Britten, Bailey, Loomes, and most importantly the key document by Alan Treherne who classified these escapements into the series 1-5. In terms of rarity, the Massey 3 is the most common of these escapements; next up in the uncommon category is the Massey 2; followed by the rare Massey 1 and then the very rare Massey 5 escapement. The Massey 4 is exceptionally rare, and today unless you are prepared to pay around 3500 to 4000 pounds it is unlikely you will ever see or find one. In 10 years of dealing with watches I have only ever seen a single example of a Massey 4 watch, and that is in my personal collection.
The Massey is not quite what I would call an escapement.. It deals primarily with the Roller table and jewel.. There are the 5 varients, and all essentailly have to do with how the roller table is shaped and how the jewel is held in the roller table..I have pictures somewhere, I'll see if I can find them for you.. Interesting to see what type of roller it has.. maybe the elusive # 4.........or maybe the common hanging style..The watch is a 1850's or later as it appears to me.. the locking dust band, not the typical dust cover was not seen much before 1850..Also it does not have a diamond end stone on the balance, a later cost savings ...Is the case hallmarked ?? I would guess that it is one of the other listed Edward"s
Posts: 638 | Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin USA | Registered: November 22, 2002
Thanks John I will pull the balance and try to get a picture of the roller table to post it. The dust ring is with the watch just removed for pictures. The hallmarks are in this picture. Thanks for your time. Rob
Could be all wrong on initial guess....Letter date appears to be 1838 and the SS case makers mark fits a Samuel Saltmarsh from Clerkenwell 1838..So it may be tyhe older Massey.. Here is picture of the number 2 I beleive, form parts i have.. Notice the roller jewel is supported on both end.. Have the others, but they do not turn out on the camera..
Posts: 638 | Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin USA | Registered: November 22, 2002
So this being the type III I guess I do not have anything special huh. Just another couple hundred dollar fusee. Awww thought I had something special and was going to treat my kids to the golden arches for dinner but can't afford to now that I found out it isn't.