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Buffing Watch Cases "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of David Flegel
Do you do this by hand or is some special electric buffer for small items that you use?Looking to try and remove scratches from silver.
What buffing compounds would you use?
Posts: 1212 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: February 06, 2012
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
Hi David,

It depends. I have a polishing cloth I use for light polishing. I have a jeweler buffing machine with a cloth wheel I use for big or heavy jobs. I just use the red rouge but you can get tougher cutting rouge if you want. I take the case completely apart and do each piece one at a time. For close spaces I use a Dremmel with a flex cord and a small attachment with a small cloth wheel.

You have to be careful because even with polishing red rouge compound you can quickly wear away the metal or plating.
Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
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