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Watch cases "Click" to Login or Register 
I was wondering when the different styles of cases became popular. The early ones were all long stemmed cases, then they moved to mid stem, and then short stem cases. Is there any reference when each of these came to be used ??, and was there a difference in these time frames between Cdn cases vs. US cases ??
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
No answers...just very interested in the answers.

It seems fairly well defined in the Hamilton line and correlates somewhat with the script lettering on the dials and other styles of the Hamilton logo.

For other makers it seems less clear to me. The BWR Elgins are an example. I have several in short stem cases that date wise just don't seem right.

Posts: 586 | Location: Bastrop, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 22, 2011
Thats what I had been thinking. I have several in all cases, but do not know when short stem cases came into use, I believe it was in the early 1900's, but have litlle documentation, especially in Canadian cases as most RR movements were shipped uncased, even as far as Hamiltons, as a result of excess duties. I would think that there would be a (definitive ?) answer somewhere. I have particularly noted short stem cases on the Cdn RR watches, not all but some.
I am sure someone with far more knowledge will jump in.
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
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