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18s Elgin Grade 400, was it adjuted to positions? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1555
Would someone know if the Elgin 18s Grade 400 was adjusted to positions (RR or trolley grade) or only to temp & isochronism?

Thanks to All.
Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
The Yellow Erhardt book speculates RR? As a single run of 1,000 with 17 Jewels of that vintage, it may still have been RR certifiable for some RR's.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
IHC Member 1555
Thanks David, I did see the question mark in the book, I just thought that someone might have seen other advertising since then that verified whether it was adjusted to positions. Seems to be a bit of an oddball by Elgin?

Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
I don't know the serial number of the watch in question nor how it is marked. [Please always post those along with pictures when inquiries are made as it will help with ID and the specifics pertaining to said watch].

What I do know is that it is supposed to be an 18sz, made in 1912, open face, 3/4 plate layout, nickel plates, model 8, and lever/set.

Other watch grades which have the same layout as this one " O3n8l" are sometimes adjusted 3 positions and sometimes 5 positions. Grade 412's which were made in 1910-1911 were 21 Jewel watches and Adjusted to 3 positions and they were "O3n8l" also.

Since the watch was manufactured in 1912 and if it were a RR watch, it seems like the number of positions would be marked on it IF it were a 5 position watch along with the grade number also since those would have been required at that late date before it could see RR service.

So my money will say its probably adjusted to 3 positions at the most and would not be a 1912 RR watch......

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 1555
Thanks Buster, I have just had a closer look at it, marked adjusted, comes with double roller and steel escape wheel, my thoughts were trolley grade as well.

Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
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