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Mothers mag polish for plates? "Click" to Login or Register 
I've used Mothers on cases with truly amazing results. Can you use it to polish a movement's plates and other parts if you clean them really well after?
Posts: 152 | Location: Miami, Florida in the USA | Registered: August 11, 2009
Picture of Richard Romero
You might be able to use it but I wouldn't risk it. The L&R watch cleaning solution and rinse does a great job on nickel and gilt plates as well as all the parts. It really makes the jewel setting look great and it doesn't wash out the writing.
I've been using Flitz on cases but only a little bit and not often. Everytime we polish a case we also take away some material. A Selvyt cloth works great to keep the cases shiny. I'm sure others have different procedures but this is what I've been doing.
Posts: 1413 | Location: Fremont, California in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2010
IHC Member 1338

I've used Mother's for 15 years, but NOT on like new/new cases. It's great for older ones to bring back the lustre.

Do NOT and I repeat NOT use this on the movements!!

It will make them shiny all right but will take away all the original finish...they will look like crap when you're done (I tried a scrap movement years ago with the same thought...NOT)

Good Luck!

Tom Dunn...
Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
Thank you guys!
Posts: 152 | Location: Miami, Florida in the USA | Registered: August 11, 2009
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