could someone be very specific of a brand name of pocket watch cleaner? also, is it essencial to have a ultrasonic cleaner to clean the watch correctly? it occurs to me that when these watches were made, there was no such thing. i thank you so much for the support. sorry for being such a rank amateur.
Posts: 5 | Location: Santa Cruz, California in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2008
Jeffrey, I use L&R Extra Fine Watch Cleaning Solution with L&R #3 Watch Rincing Solution. You don't need an ultra-sonic machine to clean watches. Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
Jeff, I avoid ultra sonic cleaning mainly because I fear losing the movement jewels on the Pallet and Roller Jewels which are held in by shellac. As recommended by Brian, I use L&R extra fine wash and #3 rinse in an old L&R "spin Cleaner"(see pic). I buy it from Casker Co at For occasional work, you could use in a large mason jar or some well capped GLASS Kitchen Flour/Sugar Containers. Get the largest metal Tea basket with a positive cap, and use that to hold the small parts, then slosh them about in the cleaner, drain them off, and rinse them the same way for a minute or so. Final drying use a hair dryer on the basket and lay the larger parts out on a sheet of Butcher wrap.
The dis-assembly and re-assembly is another matter, and you might read through Chris's Watch Service Checklist to get a better idea about that Go to