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Need Elgin info please. "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1016
I am in telephone contact with a scrapper who has a couple Elgins. Since the database isn't working, I thought someone here may help.
SN 26919332, He doesn't know watches but says it looks to be 23 Jewel, 16s!
SN 2221556, in a 14K case.

Also, while I'm looking for free advice, he has a watch marked Admiral, that also has "Henry Sandoz" on it. He doesn't know who made it.

There is also a Hampden that I'll post on a seperate thread.
Thanks for any help

Mike New email mlh121745@hotmail.com
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Mike, the Elgin #26919332 is a BWR 21j, 16s, grade 478....was one of Elgin's better RR watches....

The Elgin #2221556 is a grade 67, size 6, 15j, Hunter....

Don't know anything about the Admiral, Henry Sandoz....


Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
IHC Member 1016
Thanks Jerry
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
You can google 'Henry Sandoz admiral' and find some information on this Swiss-made, mid grade watch.
Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
IHC Member 1016
Thanks Mike. I did and as you said, it's a mid/low grade swiss watch.
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
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