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Hamilton marked Washington,Lincoln,or Roosevelt "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
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Picture of Tony Dukes
Can anyone tell me how many Hamilton pocket watches marked Washington, Lincoln, or Roosevelt were sold to A. Hirsch Co. of Chicago?
Tony Dukes
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Do you mean Illinois ? I have no data on the A. Hirsch Co of Chicago except to say they were a retailer around 1889.

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
Tony is correct. The "Washington," "Lincoln," and "Roosevelt" were private label movements manufactured by Hamilton for A. Hirsch Co.

To my knowledge, the total production of these private labels is unknown. However, they are not seen very often.
Posts: 49 | Location: Tennessee in the USA | Registered: February 20, 2012
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Picture of Tony Dukes
There is a picture of a Hamilton 926 marked Washington-sn 945809 in the 1980 Price Indicator guide on page 27.
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
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