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New Famed Waltham Pocket Watch "Click" to Login or Register 
Just wanted to share my most recent famed watch acquisition with the group. Unless you love tennis you might not grasp the significance, but this pocket watch was awarded to a tennis player in the 1920s named Laurence B. Rice, who played in major tournaments and competed against the legendary Bill Tilden. As you know, the "famed watch" is my passion as is tennis, so this means a little more to me than many ... and I thought it was neat to own a little more of tennis history. You can see this as my 5th famed watch in my slowly growing collection at the website:
Famed Watches

Thanks for having a look!

John F. Murray

Posts: 48 | Location: Palm Beach, Florida in the USA | Registered: April 28, 2008
IHC Member 1016
Nice collection. I'm a tennis fan too, but don't have any neat tennis watches.
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
Thanks Mike. News to report: I just found out from the New York Times that Larry Rice defeated Bill Tilden in 1921 in a match, and the Bud Collins Tennis Encyclopedia lists Rice at the 9th top ranked American player in 1921 ... so this watch just took on a little more significance, in my view. Tilden was an absolute giant in tennis ... sort of like Roger Federer today ... so if this watch was owned by someone who was able to beat Tilden, this Laurence B. Rice was quite a player!!!

John F. Murray
Posts: 48 | Location: Palm Beach, Florida in the USA | Registered: April 28, 2008
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