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One of the last Hampden 18 size Special Railways !!! "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
I thought the members might enjoy seeing pictures of my recently acquired 18 size 23 jewel Special Railway. This watch was in the last run made by Hampden and I am amazed by it's condition.


Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
A nice case for any watch and apparently original to this one.


Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
A classic Hampden Montgomery Dial.


Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
Nice looking movement and dial like the elk on the case.
Posts: 523 | Location: Northern California in the USA | Registered: November 23, 2008
12-Size Expert
Picture of Robert Schussel
Here is a list I posted earlier

I think production is closer to 2,200
23j 18 Size Hampden
Grade Movement Blocked Serial

New Railway RRG
ON3L-5 Position 2,200
ON3L-Adjusted 5,500
HN4L- Adjusted 800

Special Railway
ON3L -5 Position 3,300
OT3L- 5 Position 250
ON3L-Adjusted ????
OT3L-Adjusted 7,500+
HN4L-5 Positions 250
HT4L-Adjusted 2,025
HT4L-5 Positions 400

George R Calhoun
(Pvt Label)
OT3L-Adj 50

ON=open face, HN=Hunter
OT or HT=tuo tone

Posts: 621 | Location: Vallejo, California U.S.A. | Registered: July 10, 2004
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
Thanks Robert for your list.

Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
I regret that my computer is down today, it broke something and will not go on internet. So I am using Marjorie's Laptop which is a little more cumbersome, but I wanted to add that I looked up Deacon's watch and it falls into a mixed run of 1000 movements which was the last Hampden production 18s. They were produced in the 1917 - 19 time frame and consisted of a mix of 21 and 23 Jewel Special Railways and some John Hancock 21 Jewels.

Now I could be wrong, but I am only going by the records of the blue book which seems to record known movements and has that credibility..
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
That is really a beautiful watch! Wasn't Hampden the first to start the "jeweling up" process in the 1890s? Did this happen because synthetic jewels became available?
Posts: 827 | Location: Bloomington, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 29, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
Hello Steve, I know Hampden was the first with the 23j 16s and they are considerably rarer than Hamilton, Illinois and Elgin. My understanding is that they did push the jewel wars and I think it may have something to do with Mr. Duebers long standing fight with the other makers who tried to put him out of business. Hampden spent considerable time and money establishing the right to the Railway trademark in 1901 and that did not endear him to the competition. Regards, Deacon

Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
IHC Member 1110
Nice watch Deacon.I have one just like it, same damaskeening, but gold lettered.Mine is just under 3 million serial no.They are still America's most under-appreciated watch!Regards, Ted B.
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008
IHC Member 1110
I forgot something, we all know Hampden had the first 23-jewel watch, but they had the good sense not to get involved in the ridiculous overkill jeweling competition that Illinois,Seth Thomas, etc.got into.I believe that any 17-19 jewel is better than any of those 23 and upwards ones were.Supposedly, Keystone Howard even came out with jeweled banking pins.How senseless is that?
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
Thanks Ted for your nice comments. I agree that the higher grade Hampdens are under-appreciated but that allows us to acquire them. I have been keeping a rough count and as much as I like the 950 Hamilton they are for sale about 100 times more often than the Hampden 104. Yet the 104 is maybe 1/3 the price of the 950.

Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
IHC Member 1110
Thanks Deacon, your're absolutely right.I hope to someday be able to get a 104 5th. model, I have a 105, New Railway Wm. McKinley ,and a 19J Railway.I wish there was a Hampden club!
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
Ted, The Hampden club is an excellent idea. Anyone else interested in a Hampden club or does one exist already?

Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
Picture of Chris Hughes
I'm disappointed that this thread ended where it did. A Hampden club or Hampden dedicated Web site is a great idea.
Posts: 310 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2010
Chris since I have a few Hampdens to go with my Elgins I also agree. It would be nice if there was a section for Hampden and then and a post showing the grades and then you could post your pictures under each model/grade.
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
Picture of Chris Hughes
That would be great. As I work my way through the various Hampden related threads I see that there's a pretty healthy backing for that very idea. Maybe someone will make this happen at some point?
Posts: 310 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
Wonderful idea and how would we go about doing it?

Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
Picture of Chris Hughes
One of the board admins would need to set up a sub-forum. Either that or we could start a general Hampden thread and request that it gets stickied at the top of the Pocket Watch discussion forum. A dedicated sub-forum would be pretty swell, though.
Posts: 310 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2010
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


As an avid Hampden collector I would be pleased to help launch and support a Hampden Research Forum. It would fit nicely into IHC185 Open to the World RESEARCH FORUMS

When a couple years ago an increasing number of IHC185 Members wanted a separate European Pocket Watch Forum which would stand alone rather than simply be discussed in our existing Pocket Watch, Wristwatch or Military Forums we asked them to survey how much interest there would be, and this is important, how many existing posts can you find that could establish a knowledge base for the proposed forum. Finally consider who might be the person or persons who would serve in the Host and Moderator positions.

Just over two years ago we gave the European Pocket Watch Forum a ninety-day trial to see if they could generate a following. Like the launch of our exclusive Military Forum three years before, the interest was enthusiastic from the start and both forums have been great additions.

At this point there is mild interest and rhetorical questions, I have not been contacted directly but I do see the posts and would like to see the issues discussed that I raised above. Here is the topic where the European Pocket Watch Forum question was raised... "Question: Would You Like a Separate European Pocket Watch Forum? Read that topic, follow the links, put together something like that and follow the plan suggested in paragraph 2, above in this topic.

That might be a good way to begin, now let us see if there really is sufficient interest.

And let me know what I can do to help.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Chris Hughes
Thanks, Lindell. Excellent information. That's how I'd do it on the board I manage as well.

Because I'm a newly registered member here I think it would be better if someone else spearheaded this effort. If someone wants to follow the steps Lindell outlined above, I'd fully support it.
Posts: 310 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2010
Richard! I love your Hampden 23J Railway! I'm sure I'd have to put on my shades if I saw that case outside in the sun. I love these cases (mainly as engravers works or art) as much as the watch itself.

I would participate in a Hampden sub group here. As a token of my interest, I post the following three pictures of another nice Hampden.

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
Picture #2 - closeup of movement. Serial number is 1500729.

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
Clean dial for Hampden Railway Special, 23j.

Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
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Wristwatch Host
Picture of Tony Dukes
I would like to see a Hampden forum on this great site Wink
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
Railway Historian
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Site Moderator
Picture of Larry Buchan
I would be supportive and would contribute to a Hampden pocket watch group.

Larry Buchan
Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
Picture of Chris Hughes
Everyone who hasn't done so yet, jump over the the Hampden Fans Unite! thread and express your support for a sub-form there. The site admins are looking at that thread to see how much interest there is in setting up such a thing. It's a good amount of work for them, so they need to assess how popular it might be before they commit the time and effort.

Posts: 310 | Location: Portland, Oregon in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of Richard M. Jones
Hello all of you Hampden fans! I have been occupied with moving my 92 year old mother into assisted living after a rehab stay and I apologize for not getting on board the Hampden bandwagon. I would be happy to help with a Hampden site. Orphans always need help, except maybe the Menendez brothers.

Posts: 1004 | Location: Omaha, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: February 14, 2009
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