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A question for the experts "Click" to Login or Register 
I just restaffed a beautiful 14 size Waltham,and I had to go to my "misc staff" drawer,because I didn't have any marked 14 size Waltham staffs. I found a staff that looked pretty similar to the one from the watch. It was the right length and the shaft was the right diameter for the hairspring and the roller table,but it was machined slightly different than the original,as to the shape of the shoulders. I put the staff in,and the watch runs fine now. My question is,are some staffs,maybe made by different manufacturers just cut differently,as in maybe some might cut it with an angled shoulder,and some might cut that same staff with a square shoulder? Or did I just get lucky and find one for a different kind of watch that just happened to fit?
Posts: 475 | Location: Gainesville, Florida in the USA | Registered: January 22, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Cecil, I have the same "staff stash" issue where I go through a few hundred good but unsorted staffs when the Cabinet is empty. I have found and used staffs that have variations of the details at the steps between the different diameters, and also the design of the oil flow retainer details just below the pivot ends. I think that both answers to your questions apply, you got lucky, and it works! Cool
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Picture of Brian C.
I agree with Dave.
It's nice to get lucky once-in-awhile isn't it? Smile
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
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