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Hello watch community!

I think it's time for a fun thread, and who doesn't like a good private label watch?

Recently, I had given a small presentation about them, and some other members of the group had brought along a few nice watches to view and some great experiences. I will admit the presentation bombed a little bit... My information saved on the computer went haywire (I'm learning, but not extremely proficient with computers)... But it was a good time and I thought we could have a little fun here as well.

The main focus of my research is early Elgin and Hampden/New York. Finding private labels makes a great excuse to explore other watch companies also. As an example, the newest member of the pile is an early Swiss Columbus from a small Pennsylvania town.

Collecting these watches opens a whole new dimension to research. You could collect by location. As an example I love PA labels (especially ones from the burgh). You could collect by jeweler. A few favorites include Mermod Jaccard and C.P. Barnes. Maybe you like custom features such as J.P. Stevens regulators or cut-out balance cocks. There's too much to list!

Some of my research projects include:

The Standard American Watch co (or Standard Watch Co) Pittsburgh PA. The company originally advertised Elgin watches in 1879, but I've not seen an Elgin for the company. What I have seen are Lancaster, Waltham, Hampden and Illinois. In 1885 the company changed the name from "Standard American" watch co, to just "Standard" watch co. This also seems to be about the time they went exclusive with Illinois movements. They have a great list of their own grade names. The Nation is a 7 jewel watch, clipper is 11 jewel... Acme and crescent are 15 jewel, eclipse looks like the top of the line. Just allot of fun to explore. Still looking for observations and catalogs if anyone has anything please let me know!! As far as I can tell, there is no connection to the "Standard Watch Co, New York" that sold Swiss movements.

Another are the National/Elgin Pacific Watches. These came in three grades of 18s, and one 10s. The "Pacific Watch" is an H.H. Taylor grade, "California Watch" is G.M. Wheeler Grade, "San Francisco Watch" is M.D. Ogden grade and the "California Lady" is Lady Elgin Grade. Key and stem available on the 18s. Through advertisements a handful of jewelers have been identified selling these up and down the west coast, and into Nevada. These date from around 1870-75. "A western watch for a western man" has been a reoccurring slogan. These may not be a private label in the normal sense, but a marketing ploy developed by Elgin. I haven't made a solid connection yet but an interesting avenue to explore. Unfortunately it's not trademarked as the trademark system was in its infancy at the time. There are, however, jewelers labels coupled with the Pacific names on some of these watches.

Here is one of my favorites to get the thread started:

This photo is National Watch Co, B.W. Raymond #30158.
August Baumann, New Orleans marked movement.
National Watch Co SS dial

Born December 17, 1836
Death April 16, 1923

Mr. Baumann came to America from Steinach, Baden, Germany in 1854. He lived in Baton Rouge as a watchmaker before moving to New Orleans. In 1862 he opened his own business by St. Mary's market. In 1864 he moved to 1018 Annunciation St, and then finally settled at 1825 Magazine St in 1896.

In 1919 his son, August Baumann Jr, took over running the business and in 1922 the name was changed from August Baumann to "The August Baumann Co". The Store was known for its diamonds at this time, as Jr. Was an expert and sold them to the trade. Unfortunately August Jr died in 1928.

Elgin private labels start at 30,001 according to research and observations. Couple that with the BWR grade and the location, and this watch was a must have!

I have rambled on long enough, please share some of your favorite private labels and tell us a bit about them!

Posts: 90 | Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: December 07, 2019
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
Hello Rick,
Although I am not a Private Label collector I do have several private labels and it would be very difficult for me to pick one as my favorite. But since you mentioned Standard Watch Co. I have a Standard Watch Co. of New York. I have this watch pictured under the European thread which Bila had some addition info on the Standard Watch Co. of Pittsburgh, PA. He said some were also marked Standard Watch Co. of New York although not as common. This is a Swiss manufacturer but I am unsure who makes it although I have found two very similar watches one with the name Charles Lange, Geneva on it and the other with the name Fred Nicoud on it.


Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
Nice one Harry, thank you for sharing it in the thread! Looks like a good watch, how is the dial marked?

For not collecting private labels, you just scored a nice pair of Hampden ones! Haha.

Standard Watch Co Pittsburgh seemed to exist from 1879 to the late 1880s. I can't pinpoint the company that actually sold them, but I have a few prospective wholesalers.

I haven't found anything to connect the Pittsburgh company who sold American movements, to the New York company that sold Swiss movements. I won't say that they arn't related at this point because there just isn't proof, but I don't think they are.

I have tried searching "Standard watch Co, New York" and unfortunately all you get is a pile of hits on the New York Standard Watch Company... So it makes it hard and nothing has surfaced for them except a couple pictures of Swiss movements marked as your is.

I'm hoping to find a catalog one day. Can't get to the library right now... They did start to reopen, but limited hours and I'm at work most of the time they are open.
Posts: 90 | Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: December 07, 2019
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
Hi Rick,

I know nothing about "Standard Watch Co." of Pittsburgh, Pa or New York. Here is what Bila said about it;

"Hello Harry,

Ehrhardt & Meggars mention this Company in one of their Publications. They seem to purchase a myriad of American & Swiss Manufacturer's, some of the American ones were Waltham, Illinois, Hampden & New England Watch Co and then the Swiss ones such as I.W.C and others.

They even had an Illinois "Bunn" Model under the "Acme Standard Watch Co" Pittsburgh PA. Also, a stack of other names and also marked not just Pittsburgh but New York as well.

As you said, effectively a Private Label, probably a Jobber or some Jeweler/Selling House. The New York marked ones seem to appear less then the Pittsburgh PA."

Maybe Bila can help you ID these things. He may have the reference book he mentions above. I saw a Standard Watch company on ebay a few months ago. I don't remember much about it.

Here is the dial. It is just a plain unmarked dial.


Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
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