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Great Ads from 1875 Lissauer/Time Adjuster etc. "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
If you read my other post, you saw my 5 wins, and here are some of the Ads in it.
Lissauer and Sondheim Watch and Jewelry Trade Circular

His shop when it was at 29 Maiden Lane, Bottom Floor.


Liss Building2
Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert


Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert


Liss Hands
Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert


Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
Another one I got at the same time.

Watchmaker and JewlerMarch 1873


Watchmaker & Jeweler 1873
Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
E. Howard Expert
Picture of Dr. Clint Geller
Interesting. I have seen a few pre-1875 watch cases original to Howard movements incused "Lissauer," probably made before Sondheim entered into partnership. Now I know where they were located.

Posts: 219 | Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: May 10, 2003
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
What in the world is that automatic time adjuster, Sheila? I can't make out the small print.

Thanks for sharing! I think I enjoy reading the ads in old magazines as much (if not more) than some of the original articles!

High regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
Clint, Wow, that's good to know, because I have been looking for Lissauer items for a long time, and although I knew he purchased from Howard, I have never seen one yet. Lissauer had his patent registered on 3-28-1893 L&Co with the Pansy as the Trademark. He was with Lewis H Sondheim way back in 1875, and Mirabeau in or around 1923.
I will add your information to my long list of Lissauer information. Thank you.

Below is what is listed on the Ad, and I thought it looked interesting too.

It's funny, but after reading some of the really old papers, it reminds us of how hard it was to time a watch back then. Not at all like today.
Having the correct time was still a big issue in the 1870's even with all of the new inventions going on at the time.

The Ad says:

Automatic Time Adjuster
Or transit instrument for obtaining correct time from the sun.
It is the simplest instrument for obtaining correct time. It wants no expensive prepatation for a base - no north star observations, no noting of watch, no half to three-quarters of an hour's attention every day you want to take an observation of time. The instrument being automatic, or self-acting, can be set in the morning to do it's own observation at noon, exactly, by starting a watch movement which is to be inserted in the frame. It is easily understrood by anyone, and can be set on due north and south line without the assistance of the north star, compass or local time. It is manufactured and furnished at the very low price of $42, which is as low and less than that of other instruments claiming correctness, and not automatic.
To watchmakers, who make any pretensions to a perfect knowledge of their business, nothing can be more desirable or useful. It is made to receive an American 18 line movement - is a beautiful nickel-plated and accurately fitted instrument, and may, when not in use, be exhibited in a jeweler's case. Miller's Automatic Time Adjuster, nicely packed in a 3x8 inch case, (not large and heavy) can be sent to any address as very low express rates, All Instruments are guaranteed Directions accompany each Instrument. For sale by John A Miller, Paducah, Ky
And by Lissauer & Sondheim, 29 Maiden Lane, N.Y. send for Testimonials

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
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