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Case Back Re-engraving "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
There is a thread somewhere about re-engraving a ship on the back of a case and the person who does it. I have tried many search criteria and come up with diddley squat. Can anyone recall the thread and help me find it?
Posts: 2093 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: March 02, 2011
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
I found This thread.

We encounter eBay items that appear to have been "embellished" now & then.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
This is the member who is a master engraver and who "touched up" the Paddleboat on Mike Hodges case back, that I believe you are referring to.

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
Thanks Boys, that is what I was looking for.
Posts: 2093 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: March 02, 2011
IHC Member 1016
Lorne cantacted me via email and I just wanted to say the work is very very nice. Don offers a discount for multiple items and I think if there are a number of guys who want cases done, a pool of cased could be produced to lower the per unit price.
The downside is that now you no longer have the original case wear, but it is the original design.
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Mike, you can count me in for at least two cases to be redone....

I have Don's website on my computer desktop but have kept putting it off to contact him....

I think his work is masterful especially when re-newing an existing engraving....


Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
IHC Member 1016
Jerry, Thanks. I have one, and maybe two, if you have two and if Lorne and a couple other do I know we can negotiate with Don for a better per unit cost. I'm currently sitting in Maui with the ocean distracting me but will be back to my watch cases in a couple weeks.
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Have a great time while you are there....

I will be on the North Island, Kauai, in a couple of months, for a couple of weeks....


Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
I got the case I wanted, ha, ha, it's a bear walking down the railway track. I also have an image of what it should look like from an auction that went too high for me.
I'm in for whenever you guys want to do this.
Posts: 2093 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: March 02, 2011
IHC Member 1016
I'll contact Don soon and see what kind of price we can work out.
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
IHC Member 1541
Picture of Lorne Wasylishen
Boy things can go sideways in a hurry. I bought two 18s cases from one guy on ebay. They arrived today, the first one is in fact size 16 and of no use to me. The second is supposed to be the one with the gold inlay bear walking down the tracks, well he sent me the wrong case as there is just a plain back on this case.

I will send them both back and hope he still has the bear case and didn't send it to someone else never to be seen again.

And I have to pay the return postage, Sheeesh!
Posts: 2093 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: March 02, 2011
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Mike, do you think you should have photos of the cases that you show to Don as being the ones we want re-engraved...?

Those of us that want to be involved in this experiment can email you photos of the cases along with the size of each....

Let us know what you think of this or if you think it is even necessary....


Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
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