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Leader coin silver case "Click" to Login or Register 
Good afternoon, everyone; I have a Leader coin silver open face pocket watch case serial number 219506. It is not marked Keystone, but merely Leader, 6 (for six ounce) and the serial number.

I've looked for information regarding the Leader cases, but only find info about the Keystone Leader. Anyone have any additional information to share? Thanks, Matt
Posts: 3 | Location: Colorado in the USA | Registered: November 06, 2012

I can't speak on having any additional information on the case, but as far as collectability goes, the 6 oz cases are sought after well in the market. It is not unlikely to see them bring $200-$300 in the market for the case alone if not higher. It of course matters on condition like anything else. a lot of the smaller coin cases right now are only bringing at or a little over silver price unless they are extra fancy. I would think collectors would be hot after them since they are both usable, yet have a precious metal aspect too, but right now gold is the word of excitement in the collecor's world...

Posts: 1626 | Location: North Dakota in the USA | Registered: December 09, 2009
Hey, Jared, thanks for the information. It is a very stout case, and I like silver better than gold. From some research, it apprears this case was made by Keystone, although it is not marked as such.

Thanks again, Matt
Posts: 3 | Location: Colorado in the USA | Registered: November 06, 2012
Picture of Peter Kaszubski
Matthew you are correct it was made by keyston
and you should have the keyston logo on it
half round Leader like keyston stemp on it and the keystone logo with Co.

Posts: 4395 | Location: Arizona in the USA | Registered: July 23, 2011
Hey, Peter, thanks for your post. My case has only Leader stamped on the inside of the back; no Keystone is found anywhere.

The inside dust cover (is this called the cuvette?) appears to be of a different material, perhaps nickel.

I think this is actually a Keystone Leader coin silver case, but just not marked as a Keystone.

Thanks again, Matt
Posts: 3 | Location: Colorado in the USA | Registered: November 06, 2012
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