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What is the karat content of this case? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1183
This case is marked "Warranted U.S. Assay" with "B.W.C. Co." in a dogbone-shaped shield. Anyone know the karat content? I have had lower karat cases that had a more reddish or rose colored tone, but this one looks more like 14K????

Thank you for your input,


Posts: 2125 | Location: St. Peters, Missouri in the USA | Registered: September 17, 2008
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Early on before there were "standards" for case-makers, BWCCo used the passant "Lion" as their "own" symbol on 14K cases for watch movements long before US Assay stampings were required on cases, today these early marked cases are few and far between and are only seen on the 1870 and 1880 period watches, which means they are getting really scarce.

BWCCo. also made gold filled cases, silver cases [at first], 14K cases and 8Kt cases. Their famous "Eagle" cases were solid 8Kt. and by 1887 they were registering it with the Government as such. Another grade of their cases was a harvested "sheaf or bundle of wheat" symbol which denoted 14K on the outside and 8Kt on the inside. Then there was their brand "Granger" with just the words "GRANGER" or along with a standing stag or bust of a deer above the words. The Granger line was the same quality as their "Wheat" case being 14Kt outside and 8Kt inside.

This one is 8kt. according to their own markings of the "eagle" cases with no mention of karat gold, as I understand it, with much research and time afield.

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 1183
Thanks, Buster for your response. This watch is now on the "save it from the scrapper" section.

Posts: 2125 | Location: St. Peters, Missouri in the USA | Registered: September 17, 2008
Buster is spot on, this is 8K Geno
Posts: 357 | Location: Foster City, California USA | Registered: August 06, 2007
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Thanks Geno !! I do and always have, recognized you as the final word on gold cases as well as many other topics !!

Thanks for your expertise and follow up !!

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
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