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A.W.C.Co. case identification "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 2149
The late Lorne Wasylishen did remarkable research on the A.W.C.Co..
I wondered if anyone cared to way in on my topic.
I have a gold 18S, ring type, watch case that holds a 1905 South Bend high end movement. The inside cover of the case has only the "Winged Wheel" logo and the number 263123. There are approximately 7 repair/service etchings. The case exterior shows no brassing and is not scratched or otherwise marked. The watch was purchased from a vendor who had no history with the watch as it was part of a collection from a deceased relative.
I wonder if anyone would know or care to venture an educated guess, where this case would fit in the A.W.C.Co. hierarchy. The lack of any other name such as Fortune, Sturdy, etc or other information baffles me. I'm making a rash assumption that the case was not produced by the early Philadelphia case company that also used the wheeled wing logo at one time.
Thanks for your time, attention and consideration.....Joe....
Posts: 71 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: June 14, 2016
IHC Life Member
Picture of Ethan Lipsig
From your description, the case sounds like it was made by the Canadian A.W.C.Co. The American firm with a nearly identical name was one of the top casemaking firms. Many of my watches are in fine solid gold U.S. A.W.C.Co. cases. I don't think the Candian firm focused nearly as much on high-end solid gold cases.
Posts: 1414 | Location: Pasadena, California USA | Registered: November 11, 2005
IHC Member 2149
Thanks Ethan.
I have several various types of A.W.C.Co in my collection, primarily because my main interest lies in Railroad Standard watches that were used, or could have been used in Canadian Railroad employment. I have observed many cases of theirs over the years, but can't recall seeing the "winged wheel" all by itself.
Posts: 71 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: June 14, 2016
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Picture of Larry Buchan
Hello Joe:

Don't forget "Cashier"

Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
IHC Member 2149
"Lest we forget"............Thanks Larry.
Posts: 71 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: June 14, 2016
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