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Crud we don't see "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Picture of Patrick Wallin
I purchased a used Bergeon "Puffer" and was using it and all of a sudden there was a chunk of crud laying on the pillar plate. Not thinking to much about it I continued with my work. A few days later it happened again, only this time I actually seen the crud come out of the nozzle. Are we blowing dirt into the watches while all the time we are thinking we are cleaning them or blowing them off?
I unscrewed the nozzle and the two half's of the Puffer came apart easily. I was shocked at what I found. Dust and dirt that had to be manually cleaned out. My vacuum would not even start to **** it out. Once in awhile a piece of crud would break loose from the walls of the inside of the Puffer and it would blow them out the nozzle. Think about it. Every time you press the Puffer to blow off the work it also ***** air back in for the next Puff. Not knowing it I found it to be the dirtiest tool in my entire tool collection.

Posts: 1732 | Location: Enumclaw, Washington in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2011
Picture of Gary E. Foster
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for posting, never ran into this problem, but something to remember.

Posts: 1012 | Location: Western Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 17, 2007
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