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The little watch that could - a very special 12s Elgin "Click" to Login or Register 
Here is my favorite pocket watch: a lowly nondescript 15J 12s Elgin. Why? I was reorganizing my collection last week and picked this one up -- and remembered my Mother had given it to me as a gift almost ten years ago. I had never checked the serial# for a date. So I did and found out it had been made in 1925 -- the year of her birth, and I'm positive she wasn't aware of that when she bought it. She passed last year and it means a lot more now to me.

In addition, the thing keeps time like a certified chronometer. I kept it running for three full days and to my complete surprise it lost less then 15 seconds! Like I said, it had been sitting in my safe without attention for many years, and now has it.
Posts: 109 | Location: Livermore, California in the USA | Registered: August 05, 2011
The very simple dial

Posts: 109 | Location: Livermore, California in the USA | Registered: August 05, 2011
And the engine that could..

Posts: 109 | Location: Livermore, California in the USA | Registered: August 05, 2011
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
It is carrying the spirit. Nice watch.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
We as collectors occasionally forget that among our 23j gold train/diamond endstone treasures, THESE are the little watches that should actually mean the most to us.

Well said, and thanks for reminding us.

Regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
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