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What watches am I wearing? "Click" to Login or Register 
What a cool way to indroduce myself. I was introduced to this stuff by a watchmaker when I was in the 7th grade. (I'm 64, now.) I traded him a collection of Jefferson nickels for his treasure, a Hamilton 950 in as pristine condition as you could ever dream. He not only taught me a lot about watches, but a lot about QUALITY, in watches and other things.

So when there was no fear of breaking it I would wear the 950, at least when I had the excuse to wear a vest. Wheat jeans were in vogue and had watch pockets.

Today I wore a Hamilton 18s; 21j; adj; DR NI movement more garishly and gorgeously damaskeened than a 940, even, vintage 1914 or 15. Looks like a New Railway but not so marked. Glass backed nickel turnip case. I can wear it in most of my jeans, all of which have watch pockets, but only some take 18s. Lately I've also worn a Hampden Dueber Grand 18s, and an 18s Bunn Spl.

When wearing the other jeans I have to settle for 16s and in the past couple of weeks have worn a Sangamo Spl 23j, Bunn Specials, 19 and 21 jewels, and a couple of ho-hum Elgins and Walthams which run like turpentined cats. Wow. Who needs a Sangamo Special!

Way too hot to wear a suit, much less a vest. Too bad.

Nice meeting you all.

Posts: 7 | Location: Holdenville, Oklahoma in the USA | Registered: July 11, 2010
Welcome to a great group Steve!

Posts: 63 | Location: Northern Ohio in the USA | Registered: June 20, 2006
Thanks for saying 'Hello!'. I admire anyone who can look good in jeans at 64. I now do better with bib overalls Big Grin I predict yer gonna like it here.
Posts: 803 | Location: Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA | Registered: September 02, 2009
Welcome Steve,
Glad to have you here, I know you will enjoy.
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
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