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Another Texas Private Label: Park the Jeweler "Click" to Login or Register 
Here is another Texas private label from my little collection, an 11-jewel Elgin from 1894 with an interesting dial.

The individual identified on the dial and movement as "Park the Jeweler" of Mexia, Texas, was Sankey Park (1864-1935). Mexia is a small town located about 90 miles south of Dallas.

In addition to his jewelry business there, Mr. Park established the town's first telephone exchange and its first electric light plant. He later moved to Bryan, about 80 miles south, and operated a jewelry store there.

Trivia note: Confusion has long existed as to the pronunciation of Mexia. One version sounds sort of like "muh-hair," with emphasis on the last syllable. I've always stuck with Spanish.

Mexia Texas PL
Posts: 129 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas in the USA | Registered: April 17, 2015
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