If I understand correctly, the recent 2018 "Complete Price Guide to Watches" by Gilbert,Planes, Engle, Gilbert & Shugart, according to the publisher, will be the last edition of this title. Many dealers, collectors and afficianados have relied heavily on this publication. My questions: As a price guide, did it reflect real market values, or did it SET market values? Will it be missed? How will dealers evaluate prices going forward, without it? Curious about your opinions!
Posts: 156 | Location: Columbus, Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 16, 2011
"All of the Above" questions would be "Yes". It was used as an index and guide by collectors, traders, and the market. Even though the book never actually sold a watch, it was a referencing tool that shaped the market.
It creates a "Void" and some entrapraneur needs to take over from there and carry on for the defunct publication. I see a ready market for a yearly publication to reflect trends and the market both wholesale, mid, and retail pricing. I'm surprised no one has jumped on the opportunity as a partner or bought them out and continued with the publication.... I think it puts a "damper" on the hobby.
regards, bb
Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
If I were younger, I might consider that. The book, for what it was, was an equation to be considered when buying or selling. Now what we have are ebay auction results along wiuth jones Horan, which I feel are pretty much wholesale pricing.
I expect the 2017-2018 book prices will contunue to be used as a guide for several years, eventually someone may come in and fill the need.