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Burlington Special Getty "Click" to Login or Register 
Seasons Greeting to you all,
I just bought a Burlington Special ser# 2101043, and I know it is a 19j, I believe Mdl 5, and I think a Grade 185, can someone tell me what adjustments this one has, and the numbers produced of this grade in this configuration ??
Also if my reading of the data is correct !
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
Picture of Richard Romero
You got all the data correct. According to the Illinois "Blue Book" your watch was made in 1908 and came from a run of 300 (2101001-2101300) with a total of 17430 for the grade 185 19J-ON5L-TPI.

Your watch is adjusted to temperature, isochronism and positions. It's unclear what the term positions means and I tried to look at old advertisements and they're inconclusive. It's also unclear if Burlington's were adjusted by Illinois or the Burlington factory. I would think the watch was adjusted pendant up, face up, and probably face down but that's just an opinion that can't be supported as of yet.

Posts: 1413 | Location: Fremont, California in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2010
Thanks Richard,
In the Blue book, how do you get a figure on the numbers made, is it just by looking at all the Gr 185's and adding them all up, or is there somewhere in it with the final numbers ?
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
Picture of Richard Romero
You are welcome Bill,

The grade 185 is listed in two sections. First on page 136 and that’s more or less a short list. Then on page 320 more details are given.

Estimated production of grade 185 goes as follows:

17J HN4L-TPI 7.390
17J HN5L-TPI or T4PI 6,210
19J HN4L-TPI 23,480
19J HN5L-TPI 17,430
21J HN4L-T3PI 110
21J HN5L-T3PI 250

So if you wanted to know the total estimated production of the entire grade 185 you can add all the above different configurations and it comes to 54,870.

BTW I have this grade in both the Hunter and Open face 19J Burlington configurations and think they’re great watches. The gold plated train wheels and Getty style make a nice looking movement.

Posts: 1413 | Location: Fremont, California in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2010
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
I think Burlington & Santa Fe Watch Co. pieces are underrated and undervalued. I have a really grand timekeeper in a Burlington. In some of my secret sleuthing, a lot of these are in fact RRG/RRA watches Big Grin To tell the truth, even though not marked as to how many positions, I bet in factory/sales locations, they were accepted by the RR's. I have not seen anything for or against that thought Wink

Also both companies dials, for the most part are a joy to behold in style and beauty.

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
Richard and Buster,
Richard Thanks for the input on the working of the Bluebook, I have one, just am not that familiar with it, but it all makes sense now, Thank you.
Buster, I agree with you I think that they are underpriced, they are great timekeepers, and really the Getty movements look spectacular.
Thanks again,
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
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