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Elgin Parts Catalog (?) "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Is there such a thing as an Elgin repair parts catalog or cross reference that would tell which parts are correct for which grades of movements?

If there is such a reference, where might I look to find one?
Posts: 149 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: September 23, 2009
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Picture of Tom Brown
Yes, they Elgin did put those out every so often. I have one from 1908 titled "Net Price List of Materials Manufactured by the Elgin National Watch Co."

It is a hard copy 181 page book, with it you can cross reference parts to movements. I have seen reprints of these for sell on ebay.

I do not know which years they made these & like I mentioned my isn't useful for any new model made after 1908.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
Elgin Catologues are often for sale in Ebay ,there is one there for sale at $44usd buy it now. if i remember the seller is "carsales" it has been listed for some time now. it is a Red covered folder plus there are repair manuals as well but dont contain as much info as the first one and they have a blue cover . Hope that helps Francis
Posts: 375 | Location: Brisbane in Australia | Registered: January 24, 2010
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Picture of David Abbe
I have a 81/2" x 11" Bergundy Red colored 240 page Elgin Parts book covering all movements and grades from S/N101- 50,000,000. With Two Elgin Parts cabinets to draw for parts, I use it all the time to confirm Mainsprings, Jewels, staffs, and also to research interchangeability of parts. A very well set up and valuable reference book as it straight-lines each part by Grade number. That way finding a part number takes all of 30 seconds if you have to start with looking up the grade number in the S/N section.

That said, I have a couple of the littler 5" x 8" size "Blue Book Thingys" and they seem to deal more specifically with stuff about wristwatches.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
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