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Vanguard Case and Dial Configurations "Click" to Login or Register 
I have been doing a lot of reading and research on Vanguards, specifically 1908 models from the 30's and I am having a hard time completely understanding the dial and casing practices during that era. The questions that I am having trouble nailing down are:

1) When did the "Premier" label start? And was it used consistently?
2) After some point were all Vanguards factory cased, or was a factory case simply an option?
3) If not factory cased, other than being age appropriate, is there any case standards?
4) Is there any resource that shows all of the dial and hand configurations (I have found examples but not sure if there were other options)? Or were the hands standard and the dials different, etc.?


Posts: 67 | Location: Central Ohio in the USA | Registered: July 01, 2011
IHC Member 1016
All good questions Jim. I do not have answers, but will be watching for them as time goes by.
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
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