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Rockford 655 Wind Indicator Malfunction "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a Rockford 655 Wind Indicator with an indicator malfunction. The advance of the indicator hand is intermittent where it advances during winding sometimes but not always. It does not retard at all during the run down. All the parts appear to be present. It appears that the alignment of some of the gearing is not correct, but it looks like that is not possible to change.
Posts: 12 | Location: Ludington, Michigan in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2010
IHC Member 1338
I had one like that had to have winding gear fabricated at a cost of $300 plus labor to put together I can hook you up with fabricator if I still have his number but he's about 6 months or more behind last I talked to him. Those rockford WI are very expensive propositions!

Tom Dunn...
Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
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