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Elgin grade 370, pendant set, sometimes you get lucky!! "Click" to Login or Register 
In case anyone wonders why I consider myself lucky to purchase another Elgin 16s 17j grade 370 (already have 2), not only were these high grade RR approved movements that most people don't bother with because they are only 17 jewel movements, all of them (only 7300 made) that I have or have ever seen on ebay are lever set. I was a bit anxious because the seller did not include the serial number or the how the hands were set. I asked about the serial number and it matched to a grade 370, by looking at the pictures and seeing the case I knew there was no way that it was a lever set, no cut out for the lever or a lever even visible. I asked how do you set the hands and does setting the hands work properly, the seller replied that I set the hands by pulling up the crown and they set fine and the watch runs like a champ. He was correct on both counts, it is a honest pendant set, the truncated serial number on the pillar plate matches the later part of the serial number engraved on the 3/4 plate. No evidence of a "franken-watch" good watchmaker redo, no evidence of any machining for a lever set, and all the machining looks to be typical for a pendant set. This is the second time I have gotten really lucky in both case less than $150 for each watch, the other was a lever set Elgin 18s 21j lever set, LS grade 150's have been seen before but in very low numbers, especially the earlier runs like mine is. I have never seen a pendant set grade 370 so I don't know how many exist or if this was a one-off version. If anyone is interested I can take and post pictures.

Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
The Elgin Database claims all 7300 Gr. 370 Movements are Pendant setting.

"370 7300 8 1909 1910 102 16s o3n15l 17j A5P / BWR"

Are the other two you have lever setting?

btw beautiful movment, looks like it could be quickly converted to 19J by Jeweling the motor.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Dave the A5P is normally how the the Elgin site notes adjusted 5 positions (which this watch is marked) usually with Elgin they would mark the setting in the code sequence, in the Elgin book it is ONEL, open face,Nickel,E-model,Lever set. Elgin did jewel tbe barrel and that 19J model was the grade 372. Here is a link to a sales catalog Elgin sales ad The lower left movement is a grade 370, #6 of the first run, the one on the right of the 2nd row is the grade 372, in the ads both are mentioned to be adjusted to 5 positions "A5P". In the normal listing from the Elgin site it has the header show below, all grade 370 are as mentioned in the sales ad RR approve lever sets.

size code jewels Adj/reg/etc.
16s o3n15l 17j A5P r mb

On the ad page from top to bottom I think the Lord Elgin is a grade 162, hunter version would be the grade 156, the Veritas is the grade 376, the BWR 21j is the grade 391, the Father time is the grade 367, the BWR 19j is the grade 372, the BWR 17j is the grade 370, the GMW is the grade 338, and the grade 381/2 are labeled.

Front of watch

Case Back

Case side view
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Someday I will get that coding system right!
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Maybe this will help, Elgin codes explained
So in this case
o = open face
3 = 3/4 plate
n = nickel
15 = model 15
l = lever set.
Wayne expanded a bit on the Roy's Elgin guide book, in the Elgin guide book the coding is just ONEL, Wayne expanded it to include the plate type and the model number.
Posts: 1797 | Location: Michigan in the USA | Registered: September 19, 2009
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