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Hamilton 910 and 912 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1508
Hi all! Just out of curiosity, just what is the difference between a Hamilton 910 and a 912? They look virtually identical. Regards, Brad
Posts: 956 | Location: Wenatchee, Washington in the USA | Registered: December 14, 2010
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

I see what you mean Brad,

They are both 17-jewel, Double Roller, Adjusted to 3 Positions movements but there are differences.

During the 1920s the folks at Hamilton replaced their 910 with the less elaborately finished and therefore less expensive to produce 912 which is also a thinner, more modern style movement. By that time Gruen had made marketing inroads with their "Veri-Thin" and a "thinner" movement was a better-selling movement, all the companies were pushing "thin" gentlemen's dress watches. That is also a big reason Hamilton dropped all their 12-size and went to a 10-size movement for 1936 and subsequently. Those of us who so revere our Railroad Watches find it hard to accept that beginning early in the 20th Century and continuing until the end of production the highest grade and therefore the highest priced watches were not the ones we so obsess over today.

As an example, during the early 1930s a 12-size 23-jewel 922 in a Gold-Filled case was $120.00 and a 23-jewel 950 was only $60.00 in a Gold-Filled case, same price as a 12-size 912 with Secometer dial.

Oh if we could only jump in the "Time Machine" and take a little trip!



Similar movements 910 on the left and later 912 on right...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
Nice summary Lin. As you said, smaller and plainer was the order of the day.

Part of that prevailing trend was the evolution of the damaskeening to plain straight-line patterns, as here with the 910 & 912 and also in the 992 & 950 series.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
IHC Member 1508
Thank you Lin! Looking at the two movements side by side here, I can see the differences. And I really appreciate the information. I've been looking at a few 910 and 912 watches on ebay, and just couldn't tell the difference. Now, will they both fit in the same case? Or does the 912 require a special one? Regards, Brad
Posts: 956 | Location: Wenatchee, Washington in the USA | Registered: December 14, 2010
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