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Liverpool Fusee by Jos. Johnson "Click" to Login or Register 
Here's one from the period when gold cased watches were being scrapped out for the metal value. Probably no getting it going ever again but it is such beautiful workmanship.

Posts: 15 | Location: Newton, Kansas U.S.A. | Registered: September 02, 2004
The face.

Posts: 15 | Location: Newton, Kansas U.S.A. | Registered: September 02, 2004
Picture of Stephen L. Russell
Nice watch and dial !

That one could be for the USA market.He made alot of watches for the American market.
Posts: 849 | Location: Victoria, British Columbia Canada | Registered: December 05, 2003
Picture of Carlos Flores
Beautiful watch indeed Donald, a pity that has not its case anymore...
Posts: 325 | Location: Near Mexico City, Mexico | Registered: July 05, 2003
Donald, Why not ever get it going again? It looks like a Liverpool Lever fusee. If the balance swings and the chain is in tact, it may only need a good careful cleaning and oiling to let it start ticking again. A chain can be re hooked or spliced if it should happen to need that. Hands can be fitted. I understand of course a case is not likely, but it sure is nice to see this type of watch ticking. I have several. Art
Posts: 29 | Location: Pulaski, New York U.S.A. | Registered: March 15, 2004
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