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Another Pocket Watch Story "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Kevin Loving
About a month ago I was cruising E Bay for cheep watches when I cam across a old Elgin that was priced cheep. The pictures didn't show the movement. I always hesitate to bid on any watch that don't show the movement.

In the description was only this statement: "The only thing I know about this watch was it was worn by a Soldier in World War 2".

I went ahead and bid on the watch and won it for about $19. I really didn't expect much. It looked like a low grade Elgin with one of those old clunky Silveroid cases. I thought I might have a movement I could put in the case.

I wrote the seller a note and ask him to "spin me the yarn about the watch". He wrote me back and said he was asked to sell the watch by a friend of his he had known for over 30 years. The gave his name and said the watch belonged to his Father who was a Marine stationed in China in World War 2. This watch was carried by his Father during his time in the service. His Father had passed away several years ago. The seller said the man was a only child and never married and he was elderly and was selling off the family heirlooms before he passed away. He told me he hated to sell the watch but he had no one to pass it on to.

Well, that peeked my interest considerably! I knew right then I would keep the watch together no matter what it was. Well the watch came in the mail and it was (as I suspected) a 7 Jewel full plate Elgin. AS dirty as it was I was thinking it still had part of China still in it - LOL. The crown was worn smooth and this watch movement LOOKED like it had been thru a War!

I was surprised when I uncased it and took it apart I could not find and broken parts. Some of the non jeweled pivot holes were a bit loose but I have seen worse. I cleaned it and got it back together and it RAN! I danced a small Jig and sent pictures to the seller. He was THRILLED! He said he would call the previous owner and show him the pictures. He was so glad the watch went to someone who would appreciate it.

Here are a couple of pictures. The only thing I replaced was the glass.

Kevin Loving
Brookings, South Dakota

Posts: 123 | Location: Brookings, South Dakota in the USA | Registered: January 17, 2016
Picture of Kevin Loving
I regret that I didn't photograph it before I cleaned it.

I have some Watches I will never sell. This is now one of them. I plan to give it to a person in the service (or Marine) that can appreciate it. If any of you have a candidate in mind please let me know.

You don't hear much about it but from what I can find out; our Troops stationed in China had one TOUGH time of it. I have little doubt this watch has seen some rough days in China.

Kevin Loving
Brookings, South Dakota

Posts: 123 | Location: Brookings, South Dakota in the USA | Registered: January 17, 2016
IHC Member 1357
Great story and job Kevin!Hats off to you!

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
Picture of Kevin Loving
Thank You Roger.

I was thrilled to find out the story that went with this watch. I always imagine that many if not most of the old watches I work on have a great story. We just rarely get to hear it.

Just think about it, most of these old pocket watches have been around 100 plus years; It would be hard to believe that they were never in interesting places in 100 years! Can you imagine a old PERSON of 100 years of age WITHOUT a story?

Kevin Loving
Brookings, South Dakota
Posts: 123 | Location: Brookings, South Dakota in the USA | Registered: January 17, 2016
IHC Member 1357
If only they could talk!!

Posts: 4094 | Location: Carbon, Texas in the USA | Registered: January 24, 2010
Great story and it proves the watch doesn't have to have 23 jewels and rare to be exciting.

I have a watch similar to that which was worn by a soldier while working on the Trans Siberian Railway. The owner even sent me photos of his grandfather both in uniform and later in the railway dispatch office where he worked.

Brings these timepieces to life.
Posts: 33 | Location: Cincinnati Area, Ohio in the USA | Registered: December 17, 2015
Picture of Gary E. Foster
Kudos to you Kevin.
Posts: 1012 | Location: Western Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 17, 2007
Picture of Kevin Loving
Thanks Mike and Gary; but the truth is all I did was buy and clean a old Elgin off E Bay.

I do look forward to passing it on to a person in the Service who would treasure it. I know some Service members but they are all young. I am thinking a older person would be right for the watch. I would really like it to be a Marine. I will provide the person with the name and all the particulars (left out of the story) and have them promise to contact the original owner.

If you know someone like that please get in touch with me.

Kevin Loving
Brookings, South Dakota
Posts: 123 | Location: Brookings, South Dakota in the USA | Registered: January 17, 2016
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