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Has anyone ever seen This ?? "Click" to Login or Register 
Collectable or just another piece of metal ??

Posts: 638 | Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin USA | Registered: November 22, 2002
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Posts: 638 | Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin USA | Registered: November 22, 2002
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
Cool item John, and very collectible. That medal was worn as an ID for union medical benefits, sort of like a Blue Cross/Blue Shield card in its day.

The union was the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (B of RT), the largest of the old-time rail unions, which represented brakemen, signalmen, switchmen, yard hands, etc. The B of RT was absorbed by the Transport Workers Union of America in the 1950's.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
Picture of Richard Romero
I recently acquired one of these fobs and was wondering the same thing. The medal is about 1 inch in diameter.

Thanks you for the information,


Posts: 1413 | Location: Fremont, California in the USA | Registered: February 06, 2010
My Uncle Lou had one made of a dark metal like the first post. Of interest to me is the fact that they only paid cents on a dollar for dues based on an eight hour day each month. I pay over $100 a month now and have no clue what it is based on. The right to work? Maybe? Great Pictures!
Posts: 77 | Location: Hartford, Connecticut in the USA | Registered: August 11, 2010
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Picture of Larry Buchan
The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen membership all carried insurance policies, it was compulsory for membership in the earlier days of the organization, as was true for most of the other Brotherhoods, as the work was so dangerous no one else would insure them, so they formed their own internal accident and health insurance companies. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen never represented signalman, they had their own organization The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen that was formed in 1901. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen merged in 1969 with the Order of Railway Conductors,Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and the Switchmen's Union of North America to form the United Transportation Union. I have a couple of these medalions in my collection, that are bronze.

Posts: 3370 | Location: Okotoks Alberta Canada | Registered: November 22, 2002
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