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Waltham M92 Vanguard Barrel Anomaly "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Joseph Boone
Evening gents, I'm working on an old 18s m92 Vanguard 21j and I have a cracked mainspring barrel. This brings up two questions:

1)The barrel arbor isn't the 2-piece arbor type and I thought that all of them were for the 92's. Am I wrong?

2)The Barrel has a brass top main wheel instead of nickel, also different from other 92's I've done (Vanguard and Crescent St). I had an 18s barrel from another vanguard and its Nickel/2-piece screw type that doesn't fit. The barrel is the same but the arbor is to large for the plate hole.

Anyone have any thoughts on this variation? Or is it a variation at all? I'm wondering if the barrel was just switched out at one some point...

Posts: 379 | Location: Charlotte, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: August 10, 2012
All my M92s, with the exception of the 23j Vanguard, have a one-piece "hanging barrel" arrangement. The 23j variant, with the arbor being jewelled, uses a two-piece arbor. I know that the one-piece barrel uses at least two different size screws to attach the winding wheel.
Posts: 2962 | Location: Western New York in the USA | Registered: March 24, 2008
Picture of Joseph Boone
Ok, thanks Eric. Maybe I'm just confused - that happens a lotWink

I guess the 92's didn't just have the two piece arbor since mine and yours are both the 'hanging' type. Well now I just need to find a replacement. Hopefully someone has one. Thanks for chiming in.
Posts: 379 | Location: Charlotte, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: August 10, 2012
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
I have some model 92 motor barrel stuff. If you can show pictures of the parts you need that would help
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007

Joseph posted a wanted thread in the wanted section. I asked him to post a pic of the broken part.


I too have most of the 1892 barrel parts, but need to know exactly which part is needed. Between the two of us, i'm sure there is one that would work.

Posts: 1626 | Location: North Dakota in the USA | Registered: December 09, 2009
Picture of Joseph Boone
Thanks to you both! Here is a photo of the barrel that need to replace.

Posts: 379 | Location: Charlotte, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: August 10, 2012
IHC Life Member
Picture of Donald Trumble
Looks like Brian came up with the part here:


Posts: 504 | Location: Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: April 02, 2005
Picture of Joseph Boone
just emailed him
Posts: 379 | Location: Charlotte, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: August 10, 2012
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