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Dirty watch hands.... "Click" to Login or Register 

I have a pair of watch hands that are covered with a film of oil and dirt. I can see the hands do have a blue color to them. What would you recommend to clean them without damaging the color?

Thank you in advance.
Posts: 357 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: April 05, 2008
Picture of James H. Miller
hi i have to ask how do watch hands get oil and dirt on them?i would try some very warm water and dish soap
Posts: 279 | Location: Wheatridge, Colorado in the USA | Registered: January 20, 2008
It appears that someone decided to oil the watch directly onto the watch hands. Perhaps they were sticking? Pretty grimmy nonetheless.
Posts: 357 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: April 05, 2008
Picture of James H. Miller
it sounds like you may have more problems then dirty hands.if someone got oil inside the watch some parts may like it but i can tell you some parts will not.i think if you like this watch it maybe a good idea to have it serviced.
Posts: 279 | Location: Wheatridge, Colorado in the USA | Registered: January 20, 2008
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