Aloha, Would the membership please help me identify which pocket watch companies used the designation of Railway Queen on any of their movements? Mahalo for any help answer this question.
Posts: 106 | Location: Honolulu, Hawaii in the USA | Registered: June 12, 2016
We hope you have been well, Dad said to let you know that Illinois had a Movement called Railway Queen, Tu-tone movement, based on a Grade 116, he is unsure if they were a private label for someone or not. Webb C. Ball used this Name/Grade on a watch produced for them by Seth Thomas.
I do not think that there would be many using the term "Railway" due to Hampden-Dueber litagating everyone over the use of the term
All the best, Erin
Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
Aloha Erin, Thank you for your supersonic response. Interestingly, both of the Railway Queen's you mention are very,very rare with only two each that I am aware of that exist. There may be more but I have not heard of any others surfacing. Would you ask your dad if he is aware of any more than that, please? I just thought there might be additional Railway Queens from other companies so it was worth asking. Hampden was eventually successful in winning the law suit over the use of the word Railway, you are correct. Mahalo nui loa for your post and thank you for the information. Please relay my best to your dad. Fred
Posts: 106 | Location: Honolulu, Hawaii in the USA | Registered: June 12, 2016
Dad says that he knows of 3 Ball-Seth's Fred, 2 have dials that are mark Ball and the other has a dial with Railway Queen on it.
As for the Illinois's based on the Grade 116 he has only seen the one and does not know of any others, though there could be more. He does not know who the Illinois's were made for
Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
Aloha Erin, thank you for the follow up reply. As we are learning these Rail Way Queen movements are rare. As for the Illinois Rail Way Queens could it be that a deal with Webb Ball was in the offing, some movements were made and marked Rail Way Queen, but the deal fell through and Illinois just put a generic dial on the movements and sold them through the normal retail distribution channels? Definitely a mystery as of now, mahalo, Fred
Posts: 106 | Location: Honolulu, Hawaii in the USA | Registered: June 12, 2016