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Illinois Sangamo Special Case? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Hi All

I have this Star Watch Case which is similar to the Illinois Sangamo Special Wadsworth case. Would it be appropriate to put a early 16s 23j Sangamo Special in this? I think it would look good. Please give comments.


Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
I think it would be a great choice, if one has no Sangamo Special case Smile

I don't guess I've seen the Star case like that before. Very nice and the pendant, bow, and crown are almost identical to the Wadsworth "patented" cases that were unmarked and later marked "Sangamo" cases Smile

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


As you probably know cases such as the one you found were sold by retail jewelers in the 'teens and twenties to house practically any make 16-size movement. It is similar to the Sangamo Special factory cases in the same way the cousin of a movie star may resemble her famous cousin but lack the talent, poise and over-all good looks. Smile It does look a bit like a Sangamo Special case but that is where it ends and some collectors would question propriety of "putting together a look-alike" but that is part and parcel to where our hobby is headed.

You ask if it would be "appropriate" and a purist would say no, the theory being that one day it might change hands a time or two and be passed-off as the genuine article. You would sell it honestly, the next seller or the one after that may see only the profit realized in a quick sale of this "rare variant" to an unsuspecting buyer.

We are going through a difficult time in our hobby, the cases that are left when the "gold-rush" is over will be used much as you are thinking of in this instance. There will always be far more movements than cases.

Those are my thoughts Wink let's see what others have to say.


Only the real-deal is really the real-deal...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
I have recased a lot of movements. But I have never tried to match one like this. For the most part it has been more common movements that didnt come cased from the factory.
If I ever do something close to this, as a favor to future collectors, would it be appropriate to engrave something inside of the case to identify it as not original? Such as "replacement case"? That way a movement could be cased without the dangers of it being passed off as original down the line.
Posts: 1143 | Location: Chicago, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 05, 2010
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


I don't think I could bring myself to scratch or "engrave" such a message inside a watch case. Some collectors write a historical summary to go with each of their watches. All that being said, it is up to each of us to research the items we buy prior to purchase. Usually when there is doubt it is for good reason.

Here is more about the Model 10 factory-cased Sangamo Specials and some of the proper cases...

CLICK FOR: Sangamo Specials, Marked Factory Wadsworth Cases Database

Remember, as the title states they are always Wadsworth cases.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Hello Keith, how do you get such beautiful images of your watch. We posted images of my Sangamo 23J HC on Sangamo Question and could not get the brightness of the gold case to be outstanding like yours. Would you mind providing some tips on lighting?

Posts: 96 | Location: Waynesville, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: April 14, 2011
IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Sam, there is a load of topics that will give you plenty of info on how to produce top photos and then transfer them to IHC185....

Here it is: How to photograph your watches and clocks....

Good Luck,

Posts: 2828 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
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