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Should I swap cases or not? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
I have a Hamilton 938 which is one of the lesser seen Hamilton's. The case is original but ugly. It is in a Fahys Oresilver No. 1 case. It has lots of ding, and one dent. Do you think I should put it in a nice gold filled case similar to the Hamilton 939 I have? This case is just so ugly! The serial number is 13497 made in 1896. It is 17 jewel and is a 2 star movement. The dial is ugly also. DS Roman Numeral private label dial. It is not a private label movement. The name on the private label looks like "W.J(?). Warner, Austin, Pa.". The dial has many hairlines and a big chip that runs from the 36 to the 39 minute mark. I don't know if the dial goes with the movement or not as I would like to replace the dial also. What to you guys think? On one hand I could have a nice period correct watch or on the other hand I could possibly have a ugly original watch. Thanks of all you your opinions.
Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
IHC Member 1555
Not all Private labels were marked on the movement Harry, a lot were only on the dial, so it could possibly the original. As for the case swap IMO as long as it is period correct I do not see a problem with doing that.
Posts: 2265 | Location: Gladstone in Australia | Registered: January 14, 2011
Harry according to the Hamilton ledger that watch and the next serial number 13498 were sold to W. S(?) Warner, Austin, PA. on 5-1-1896. So the dial is probably original.
Posts: 346 | Location: Woodland Hills, California in the USA | Registered: January 07, 2011
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Back when a pocket watch was a serious piece of equipment [or a status quo] that people carried, along with their Colt while riding their horse, when that case wore out or the dial became unsightly or a hand became bent or broke, these parts were replaced !! It was called "upkeep". It should continue to be so today.

A "purist" might keep the original parts on the watch for posterity and to preserve history, but if it is rough and nappy looking, it would be an eyesore that wouldn't draw many lookers, and could cause you the owner to not appreciate it either.

The main thing to consider is that it is your personal property and that as such, you may do with it as you please. Y-o-u have to make y-o-u happy !! So keep smiling always !!


Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
Bila, Robert, and Buster thank you all for your replies and you all make good points.
I know some private labels are only marked on the dial and to be honest since I did not know if this dial came with this movement or not that is the only reason the dial is still on the watch.
Robert thank you very much for the information. I will have to save the dial. I will take the dial off and write the serial number of the watch on it so I remember which movement it goes with.
Buster you make a lot of since. I am not happy with the case or the dial. I will replace the dial, case and hands with period correct stuff and make me happy and I will keep the dial in a case so if I ever sell the watch the original dial will go with it. Oh and the dog has the longest neck I have ever seen on a dog. I am ready for the weekend! taking a motorcycle trip up to Dixon, Illinois for a root beer!

Thanks you guys!
Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
Hi Harry , one thought came to mind is cleaning and repairing the dial , since it appears to be original . I have been surprised at how much better a good soaking can do , in the search box there are numerous methods , good luck

Read this: https://ihc185.infopop.cc/eve/f...391095851#4391095851
Posts: 1574 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2015
The old guys used to say if you make a switch and you can't tell then it takes on the value of an original, whether it;s the case or the dial. The trick is knowing what is actually correct. Geno
Posts: 357 | Location: Foster City, California USA | Registered: August 06, 2007
IHC Member 1338
As a dealer I can tell you that original or no I CANNOT sell a watch in a doggy lookin case or with a crappy cracked up dial

Especially a 938. Watches that pricey belong in a nice YGF like a Fahys they are out there and put a crisp early dial on it, keep the old dial like you planned. That makes you happy and is actually the smart thing to do IMO

Tom Dunn...
Posts: 3041 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
IHC Member 1016
Harry, just send it to me and I'll swap a nice 924 for it. Big Grin That way I can fuss with the swapping decision Roll Eyes
Posts: 3112 | Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon in the USA | Registered: October 13, 2007
IHC President
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Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hello Harry,

Looks like a strong consensus among those responding for making your 938 the best it can be!

Personally, on a private-label dial if the movement is not marked in the same manner it seems like just "half a watch" to many collectors and the present dial being in such rough condition makes it a foregone conclusion.

You will need an appropriately-signed and time period correct "Hamilton Watch Company" Double-Sunk dial to upgrade properly.

Ironically there are many private-label dials around. We recently donated a "Belding Brothers" dial and as a thank you to the auction winner we included a "Ferguson & Craig" dial as well.

Sometimes a private-label can be quite appealing, check Buster's Avatar... the watch is signed "Beck's Special" making that particular private-label watch very, very special to him!

In your situation I believe that upgrading both the dial and case might as much as double the value of your 938 and of course will greatly increase your pride of ownership as well.

Be well my friend,


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 1610
Picture of Harry J. Hyaduck Sr.
Kevin, Gene, Tom, Mike, and Lindell,

I want to thank each and every one of you for your input and suggestions. I apologize for the delay in answering but I went on a 5 day motorcycle trip and have just returned. You each have very good points and I value your input.

Kevin yes I agree that even a perfect dial in dirty condition looks crappy. I will be cleaning the original dial and doing some repair work and I will keep it to go with the watch if and when I sell it.

Mike let me think about that. Sounds like a good deal for one of us. Eek

Gene, Tom and Lindell yes that is what I am going to do. I have everything I need now I just need to decide on a Roman Numeral DS dial or DS numbered dial.

Thanks again everyone.
Posts: 3858 | Location: Georgia in the USA | Registered: September 22, 2011
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