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An Elgin Box for my Pocket watch.... "Click" to Login or Register 
I need something to put my pocket watches and wrist watches in, when not in use. Right now there is a special place on the bar about 1 1/2 square foot. Its about the only place in the house I can call "mine". Its where I dump my wallet, watch, knife, keys, handkerchief, comb and whatever else I tote around or feel like throwing there. And my wife fusses over that little tiny tiny piece of real estate more than anything else. I have been warned! No more stuff there! So I'm considering somewhere's different. I'm looking at a box, an Elgin Index Stock Control Box, out of the 30's 40's era. I'll post a few pics of it. Have not seen much of nothing on here on this subject. Maybe not much interest there. But anyways, check it out, let me know what your thoughts are....

Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
Another view

Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
maybe bigger:

Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
Picture of Fabrizio Di Claudio
WoW!! Is the original wood box of Elgin pocket watch? I never see it. GREAT!
Posts: 77 | Location: Torino in Italy | Registered: January 23, 2008
Hello Fabrizio...It was an original Elgin Index Stock Control box that came from the Elgin factory and was used by a watchmaker. By the time I got back to it, it had sold for $28.00
Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
IHC Member
Stevan-Your wife must be related to mine! I'm lucky,I have a 5 by 7 foot "closet" that's my little hiding place for tools, pocket watches,etc.
But that's a neat looking box-any more around? Did you get it on ebay?

Posts: 506 | Registered: October 26, 2007
Well, I don't think she got relatives in NY, we are too far south of the mason Dixon line. But....No, I did not get the box, I posted it on here to get some thoughts about it or whatever one puts them in and by the time I got back to the item it was sold and yes Ebay $28. (Kick Me) I thought it was a unique box to store a few pocket watches and chains...
Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Harbor Freight sells some Key Cabinets for About $40.00 that you can put electrical shock warning stickers on them if anybody happens to find them behind the clost door.

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
I put some "trading stock" in these and can attest they hold plenty. It is kind of nice to rummage through them when I need some new thing to "discover".

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
WOW!!! What a collection! It will take the rest of my life to collect that many that nice. But for now, all I need is a small antique box and I will find one. I might have to put a few in my gun safe when I collect a few more....
Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
And nice walls!
Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
Here is an Elgin material box if anyone's interested:


Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
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