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SETH THOMAS 17J Grade 282 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 2149
Looking at a Seth Thomas Grade 282 17 Jewel, 18S, 3 Adjustments pocket watch. Apparently produced around 1889 - 1890. Believe it is a Model 5.
I am trying to determine if it would have been classed as a Railroad Grade watch for that time period but am not having any luck sourcing that information. Anyone have any specific information or care to venture their opinion ?
Posts: 71 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: June 14, 2016
Hi Joe,
The most comprehensive compilation of Seth Thomas pocket watches can be found at the Seth Thomas Research Site. https://seththomasresearch.com/
Here you can look up by serial number and find the model and grade, get details of that specific model, photos of the patterns and dials, how your model fit into the timeline of the company and much more.
Happy researching! Joe
Posts: 23 | Location: Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2016
IHC Member 2149
Thanks Joe, much appreciated. From what I have been able to find so far it appears that it was considered RR grade but not necessarily marketed as such.
Posts: 71 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: June 14, 2016
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