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Elgin 240 "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi all,
just purchased an Elgin Gr 240 ser# 9349011.
Am I reading the Elgin data correctly, it states that there are 68000 total made, with a ser# start at 9349001, or is that just for the run my watch is in.
It would be nice if mine was a 1st run and the 11th watch off the line ?
What say
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
When you go to the Elgin database and enter the serial number, add a space and v=7 before hitting enter. That way the database gives you all the notes on that model. For your watch, I entered;

9349011 v=7

and the earliest notes read;

(*) notes on grade 240:
first 18s 19 jewel first w/WI option
# are mvt before SN11451001 not marked as BWR? (this is implied by the 1915 MC) (from what I can tell, they are all marked BWR... Hmmm..
# 1915 MC "Grade of Mvt" list implies possible marking: BWR(1)
# 1904 MC doesn't list REG_RR, 1915 and 1950 MC does
# seen advertised as BWR in "Bogle Brothers" JC in EWC pg 84
# the page of WI parts and diagrams in EWC lists 240 as the basis for the diagrams
# SN8577240 seen marked "BWR 19j Adjusted" on ebay 1662731094
# SN8578094 seen as "BWR 19j Adjusted REG_ELGIN" on ebay 1682395770
# SN9349022 seen as "BWR 19j Adjusted REG_ELGIN" on ebay 1682199727

Which show the serials for earlier production went down into the 8 xxx xxx range,
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Thanks Dave,
Now I see, actually the Elgin database sure gives a lot more when you do that V=7 thing.
Great Thanks,
Posts: 1278 | Location: British Columbia in Canada | Registered: May 19, 2008
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