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hampden 23 jewel 14k railway special "Click" to Login or Register 
Hello all. I just received a Hampden 23 jewel 14k railway special with a Roy Case marked 14k assay.
It has been stored away in my grandpa's closet for 90 years and is taken out once a year to make sure it works. I know NOTHING about watches and am having lots of fun learning. It looks brand new. No dents or scratches I don't seem to find much info on this. Is this something I should insure or a watch I can give to a nephew ? Thank in advance for any info you might have!
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
I f orgot to mention that the case is what I think youcall a double hunter with dust cover. Sorry if I am not calling it by the correct name
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
Hello Lisa, if you open the back case and look at the movement
there will be a serial number on the movement, post the number
and any other info written. This will help considerably to identify
the watch specifications. A photo would help also.
Sounds like a very nice watch.

I'm sure others on this site will chime in to help.
Posts: 535 | Location: Innisfil in Ontario, Canada | Registered: November 04, 2014
Hi Rick, I will post some pics as soon I figure out how not to post huge pics Smile I don't want to mess up the posts!
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
Hopefully these pics are showing up

Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
Hampden Special Railway

Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
Another pic

Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
The case says Roy Warranted 14k Us Assay

Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
The serial number on the watch is 1287353

The serial number on the case is 59188

Is this a watch I should insure or a watch to give to a nephew . Thanks for any the help!

Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
IHC Life Member
As a family heirloom giving it to a nephew is a tough call. It kind of depends on the attitude/age of the nephew. He may treasure it and want to pass it on to his children some day or he may regard it as nothing special and sell it. Once given you can't control what he does with it, nor can you really place conditions on the gift. I would think long and hard about this. Just my opinion for what it's worth. As for insurance, the old adage comes to mind "only insure what you can't afford to replace". Obviously you can't directly replace a family heirloom, so having it insured only gets you some money. Again, just my opinion.
Posts: 1078 | Location: Ticonderoga, New York USA | Registered: March 01, 2008
Thank you Roger! My nephew is only a month old and I was thinking of gifting to him someday. I honestly don't know much about the watch other than what I have seen in the last few days online.
Is this watch a good watch? How about the case? I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge. Haven't had much time to really research . Thanks for the info Roger!
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
Hi Lisa, I thought it might be an 18 size watch and it is.
The photos are fine,thank you.
What you have is a spectacular high end pocket watch.
As indicated it is a 14k gold case in great condition and a 23 jewel
two tone movement. It has all the bells and whistles.

The watch has value for the gold content and for the movement and does warrant insurance
if you keep it in the family.

The Pocket Watch Data Base is a look up tool and is getting better all the time.
It indicates:
-18 size Hampden
-Grade-Special Railway
-yr circa 1899
- a two tone movement finish,adjusted to 5 positions and lever set
Having an appraisal would be a good idea for insurance purposes. A greatt watch.
Posts: 535 | Location: Innisfil in Ontario, Canada | Registered: November 04, 2014
IHC Member 1511
Lisa, That is a beautiful watch and worthy to be in anyone's collection. The 14K Roy case is beautiful and quite valuable. You can go to the top of this page and click on the " find or search" tab and type in 18 size Roy case or 18 size Hampden Special Railway and find information.
It is an 18 size case and movement made around 1899-1900. Thank you for posting Gary
Posts: 159 | Location: Rainelle, West Virginia in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2010
Thank you guys for the information! I think it's beautiful and I don't even know much about watches!
I have really enjoyed just learning about these watches and cases. I had a Waltham that I think I should have held onto . Came from the same grandpa this watch came from.
I'm going to get much more into these I think Smile
Again guys..thank you for the info!
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
IHC Life Member
Picture of Ethan Lipsig
Lisa, you have a lovely watch and a wonderful heirloom. You should definitely pass it on to other family members at the right time so as to keep it in the family.

I have a different view on the servicing and insurance issues than some of the other posters.

Unless you plan to use the watch more than very occasionally, e.g., once or twice a year, there is no point in servicing the watch if it presently is in good running order. You won't damage it by very occasional use. Servicing it professionally likely would cost $100-$400 depending on who does it, and even more if the watch has any serious issues. Even if modern oils last longer than old ones, they don't last forever. You likely would need to service the watch again in the future, e.g., in 10 years. So, unless you plan to use the watch, I wouldn't have it serviced if it now is in good running order. If it isn't or needs other repairs, then of course you should have it serviced and restored as needed.

Even if you have it serviced, I wouldn't expect your watch to keep "atomic time," as one poster said it would do. I have 400 pocket watches, all professionally serviced. None keep anything remotely like atomic time, but you might be luckier than I have ever been.

As for insurance, I echo the poster who said you shouldn't insure risks you can absorb. Your watch is valuable, but it is only worth a few hundred dollars more than net scrap value; it probably isn't worth worth more than $2000-3000. Insuring it would likely cost you at least 3% of its value per year. Instead of insuring it, I suggest that you just keep it in a safe spot. I keep all my watches in my bank's vault. I don't insure any of them.
Posts: 1414 | Location: Pasadena, California USA | Registered: November 11, 2005
Thank you all again for all the input. I can see why this is a "crazy" hobby Smile
I really love pocket watches as beautiful pieces of art as well as time pieces . As you know I am no expert but think I just might delve a bit deeper.
I feel lucky to have this watch. Somehow it's comforting holding a piece of my family from the past in my hands .
Thanks again guys!
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
IHC Life Member
Sergeant at Arms
Picture of Scott A. Whittey
Aloha Lisa

I concur with Ethan's Sage Advice However, you will find that you are becoming a horologist in your own right seeking veritas.

Posts: 293 | Location: California City, California USA | Registered: May 05, 2005
IHC Member 1338
That watch, to me anyway, is a pretty valuable item.
I wouldn't give it to anyone who can't or doesn't appreciate it and can take care of it. IMO that watch is more of a collector item and should only be displayed, wound occasionally, but never carried on a daily basis. Not with that gold case anyway as they are far more prone to scratching and denting as the material is softer.

Ethan was right on his valuation. Somewhere between 2000 and 3000.00.

If for instance I had it in my shop for sale I would probably put $2,499.00 on it, just to give you an idea of its value.

Enjoy it and take good care of it!

Tom Dunn...
Posts: 3053 | Location: Ramsey, Illinois in the USA | Registered: December 15, 2008
Thank you for all the good info!
Posts: 12 | Location: Tucson, Arizona in the USA | Registered: August 04, 2021
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