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Thickbroom - London - 1850's help needed! "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi folks, I inherited a pocket watch about 10 years ago which I have only recently looked at in a bit more depth and I've managed to work out the Case at least was made 1856 by James Thickbroom but I can't figure out how to find out the watchmaker themselves? Anyone able to help at all?

Posts: 6 | Location: Fife in Scotland | Registered: November 23, 2021
IHC Member 1892
Hi Ross: Welcome to ihc185, I hope you find it helpful.
Could you tell me what is inscribed on the inside of the back cover (looks like Christopher Nelson 1858 but not sure). That could be maker or more likly first owner.
If you look at the dial (with bezel open) you will see a tiny catch on the case below the 6 number. If you push that in (gently with fingernail or toothpick so if slip you do not damage dial!!!) you will find the movement can be lifted up on a hinge on the case above the 12 number. Find the catch and hinge before attempting this as it will help explane what will happen when you do it.Once opened you will be able to see the front of the movement. The makers name is propably inscribe here. If you could send pictures of the movement (side pics as well) we might be able to tell more about it. John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Hi John, You are correct with the inscription I thought it would be the first owner but not sure either I managed to open it further and Here are the pictures of what was under it.

Posts: 6 | Location: Fife in Scotland | Registered: November 23, 2021
I got it open further!

Posts: 6 | Location: Fife in Scotland | Registered: November 23, 2021
IHC Member 1892
Hi Ross: Can you tell me the name inscribe on the movement and probably a city also? If You look at the movement fron the side you will probably see
a very tiny chain (like a minature bicycle chain) running from a barrel to a tapered barrel with "steps" on it to hold the chain. (If you google "Fusee watches" you will see how they work). John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
IHC Member 1892
Hi again. Just noticed you have a chain also. Looks to be a tapered silver one. Is it marked silver? Often each link will have a stamp. John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Hi John the name inscribe looks like M Levy and the city on it is Hull and the chain is marked silver as well with every link being marked. Ross
Posts: 6 | Location: Fife in Scotland | Registered: November 23, 2021
IHC Member 1892
Hi Ross.
I could not find much re. M Levy. There was a Morris Levy in Manchester and a Moses Levy in Ipswich (Suffolk) but I have no dates when they worked. Perhaps someone on site has more information who he was. Sound like you have a nice chain as well. John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Thanks for helping John, I've found another called Markes Levy about the same time there isn't a serial number which is frustrating
Posts: 6 | Location: Fife in Scotland | Registered: November 23, 2021
I've found this one https://www.worthpoint.com/wor...1891-solid-541944793 which has a similar marking to the worn badge at the back
Posts: 6 | Location: Fife in Scotland | Registered: November 23, 2021
IHC Member 1892
Hi Ross. I understand the serial #'s are not very significant as the watches were completed, cased and sold over an extended period of time so watches with a higher no. were often completed before one with a lesser no. For what that might be worth. I have also read that some people "fudged" the no's so it appeared to be newer or even to make it look like they made more watches than they did.
You are welcome. Good luck with it. John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
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