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An info gap for dial designer Josiah Moorhouse "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Ken Habeeb
Seeking as yet uncovered information about designer extraordinaire Josiah Moorhouse... with the hope that ihc185 members or others dropping by might turn up new information as to his employment or whereabouts (including Mr. Moorhouse as an employer, which might shed light on later unsigned dials).
Thanks to Harold Visser and Gerrit Nijssen, we know he was at Hampden for a year much later on, but what was his employment chronology while living in Waltham early on (part of that time still living with his parents)?
Particularly, I and others are interested in his standing and work in the late 1850s and the decade of the 1860s, while he was still in his 20s.
We know he spent some time in the Waltham factory during that time. Was he designing unique dials while at Waltham or still only taking orders to draw the dial style of the day, which was Roman? When did he take it upon himself to depart in the direction of Arabic numerals, along with the other telltale marks of his work? Was that while at Waltham or somewhere else later(?), or perhaps in more than one place? Some believe he did some moonlighting.
Nevertheless, there are gaps in his story, and given the interest and value in his dials, further research or sharp-eyed discovery would seem worthwhile.
I'm hoping that, even after more than 100 years, something new will turn up.
Thank you!

Ken H.
Posts: 921 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: March 25, 2013
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine


When I used our "Find-or-Search" feature, I found 11 matches under Josiah Moorhouse and 87 with Moorhouse alone as the search criteria. Use some imagination in searching and you will find even more references on-site.

Hope this additional information is of help.


Posts: 5376 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Picture of Ken Habeeb
Yes. Thanks Dr. Debbie. Having seen and read those several times, you could say I got just enough information to whet the whistle.
I've always liked the art in watchmaking, so I'm fascinated by the mystery in this subject - the unknowns that happen to coincide with the early years of American watchmaking.

Thanks to Gerrit Nijssen for the following details:

Josiah Moorhouse was born in Stockport (Cheshire) England, Feb 15, 1837 according to citizenship application.
He arrived in the U.S., New York on Aug. 22, 1854.
He became a US citizen September 22, 1871 in Boston.
He entered employment at Appleton Tracy & Co on Aug. 3, 1858 (From obit).

In 1858 B. D. Bingham and his son applied for a job at Waltham. The two found employment but Waltham did not realize that they had allowed a Trojan horse to enter their production facility. Bingham left late Fall of 1859 and took with him half a dozen key employees to start the Nashua Watch Company. One of them was Josiah Moorhouse. In mid 1862 Moorhouse returned to AWWCo.
In 1866 Moorhouse became foreman of dial painting room.
From 1858 – 1866 a Mr. Webb had been the foreman. {We need to know more about Webb}.
Posts: 921 | Location: California in the USA | Registered: March 25, 2013
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