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Watch Fob & Chain "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Alexander E.M. Wood
Is there any interest in a Spanish "Piece-of Eight" watch fob on a "Royal Albert" silver, each link hallmarked chain with a 1723 english shilling also attached. This comes with a US appraisal stating current market value $1,500 and a replacement value of $3,000

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Posts: 10 | Location: Kelowna, British Columbia in Canada | Registered: July 10, 2010
IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
Hi Alexander,

That is one sweet looking ensemble Eek

Thank you for allowing us to see such a beautiful and historic piece Smile I absolutely love the piece of eight Smile

Posts: 6376 | Location: Texas in the USA | Registered: July 27, 2009
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
What I also love about the history of those coins is they used them to create smaller denomination coins from them as well. They'd cut them into quarters, like 4 pieces of a pie, and use them as 2 bit pieces, or 2 parts of a piece of 8.

That's where the phrase 2 bits came from describing a quarter of a dollar.

I worked with a man years ago who used to walked the plowed fields down along the Scioto River in Pike County, Ohio on weekends back in the 70's, and he discovered a 2 bit piece in one of those fields. He was one happy camper!

The Scoto River in Ohio was a primary trading/travel route for the Shawnee, French and British in pre-Revolutionary days, so it would make sense something like a 2 bit piece would show up in such a place.

Anyway, they are a true piece of international history, with everything from shadows of pirates persuing trunks full of these fabled coins on the high seas, to the early trading in the new America's.

Neat! I hope whoever gets it appreciates it's history.

Regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
Picture of Alexander E.M. Wood
Thanks Buster and Mark for your appreciative remarks about my "Piece-of-Eight". Please excuse the typographical errors, such as Watch Fob not Watch For. Just bad typing. Since that first picture was of the reverse side of the "Piece-of Eight", I am now posting the obverse side of the same Fob and Chain. Again thanks for your comments.


Posts: 10 | Location: Kelowna, British Columbia in Canada | Registered: July 10, 2010
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