Obviously battery operated, but nice to see someone is still putting a pocket watch out there. Anything that keeps a pocket watch in view will help get more people interested in these.
Posts: 83 | Location: Central Wisconsin in the USA | Registered: December 26, 2008
That's even better news. One of the issues with hobbies like this that I see is how to get younger people interested in it. How many places are left that teach how to work on watches?
I own MG cars and we have the same issue. Few young folks get interested in these cars. Anything that keeps the interest out there can only help.
Posts: 83 | Location: Central Wisconsin in the USA | Registered: December 26, 2008
Well, I had a reasonably good explanation on why Walmart has wind up pocket watches. There is still a group in our society that does not use battery watches, the Amish. Person at Walmart says they sell a good number of the wind up pocket watches to the Amish. Wonder if they have folks that also repair them?
Posts: 83 | Location: Central Wisconsin in the USA | Registered: December 26, 2008
Bruce is right about the Amish...they <b>do</b> carry Wal mart type (aka Chinese made) watches. I tried unsuccessfully for years to sell them some decent American made (aka Elgin, Waltham) watches. They will not buy them. The reason? Too much money... ($75 for a good running 18S 15J Waltham is too much money?) I also tried to explain, to no avail that they will go thru 10 Chinese Wal Mart watches before one good USA made watch. No luck there either. They do not have watchmakers that I know of. They probably give it to the children when it breaks and just go buy another $25 one.
On another note, something that gave me a chuckle once I went to a Civil War Reenactment. The sides went to great length to replicate the battles, right down to the proper dress and firearms. I asked one Confederate participant if they carried watches, to which he replied, "We sure do!", and proudly pulled out one of those same $25 Wal mart Chinese jobs. What a hoot! I left thinking I now knew the reason the Confederacy lost the war...they were late to the battles!
I'm kinda surprised about the Amish and the Chinese watches. I thought they were kinda more authentic folks,and very frugal,and practical. I'm not surprised that they carry pocket watches,but you are right about that old Waltham outlasting a bunch of those Chinese watches.
I also had to surpress a chuckle when a fellow once showed me his quote "Railroad watch". It was a battery powered "Elgin" pocket watch. He said Elgin has been making watches for over 100 years. I just nodded my head and went on,and left him in his fantasy.
Posts: 475 | Location: Gainesville, Florida in the USA | Registered: January 22, 2009
Check out this"Swiss Tourbillon Day%Night" pocket watch from Hong Kong. It has a Day%Night dial and 5 hands and they all work! !7 jewel mechanical movement. My winning bid was $4.50! eBay item number:350279690558
How cheap can you get!!!
Posts: 198 | Location: Vermilion, Ohio in the USA | Registered: May 14, 2003