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Is there an 8/10 watch that makes sense for me? "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 935
I have on my desk a small one watch wooden display case presently with a 992B hanging in it. So that I don't have to take that 992B so frequently to wind it, I am wondering if there is a watch with an 8 or ten day movement or such that I should try to buy. If I am on a wrong path, please tell me. Maybe a different approach is to be preferred. All feedback is appreciated.
Posts: 175 | Location: Davis, California USA | Registered: March 10, 2007
12-Size Expert
Picture of Robert Schussel
On Ebay 15j 8 day car clocks are often for sale at a reasonable price.

There are high grade 8 day pocket watches but you would need deep pockets for most of them.

Posts: 621 | Location: Vallejo, California U.S.A. | Registered: July 10, 2004
IHC Member 935
Thanks, Bob. When can we do lunch and talk more about watches? I will host.
Posts: 175 | Location: Davis, California USA | Registered: March 10, 2007
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