I have an 18s YGF case made by an unknown (at least to me) case maker.The trademark is a large fancy "F".I can't post a picture, but member Joe Cook just sold a Crescent St. on this site, with same trademark case.I don't think it stands for Fahy's.Thanks,Ted.
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008
Hi Theodore,I bought the Crescent Street from Joe,and like you I was curious about the case maker.If you have The "fat book"Shugarts bible or whatever you want to call it,on page37 there is a picture of a Fhays logo with the same trademark behind it.I'm assuming that they were made by Fhays.It looks like they are showing three different trademarks together.Probably designates the gold content.If I'm wrong,some of you experts please correct me.Regards.Norm
Posts: 484 | Location: Georgia in the United States | Registered: August 04, 2010
Norm, thanks for that.You're right, I looked at the one shown in the book, and it does look the same to me too.I have other Fahys cases, but the name is spelled out,so I always thought this was someone else.Another mystery solved.Regards, Ted.
Posts: 1323 | Location: Lebanon, Connecticut USA | Registered: March 28, 2008